Dear Customer,

Allsorted provides helpful SOLUTIONS to retailers who need to buy a selection of suitable best selling books for their particular type of store - be that Garden Centres, Department Stores, Visitor Attractions, Zoo & Aquarium, Cathedrals & Abbeys, Farm Shops, Gift Shops, Card Shops or Toy Shops and so forth.


Allsorted intends to be unquestionably the best wholesaler distributor of gift books and kids books in the gift trade in the UK & Ireland. 

It’s all about providing you with a hassle-free way of growing your sales, and helping you to become more & more successful, by making books as valuable a part of your offer to your customers as possible.  Gift books and kids books can - in a surprisingly diverse range of retail environments – prove to be one of a retailers most important categories when measured in terms of pounds per square foot. 

At Allsorted we believe in books, and we believe that books make great gifts.  

Lincoln Exley 


allsorted book whole saler values


Allsorted Ltd was founded in 2010, and launched to the trade in 2011.  Lincoln Exley, having spent 37 years working for the family gift book publishing company Helen Exley Giftbooks, spotted a significant gap in the market for a book wholesaler.  The business was formed to help retailers in the gift market be more successful with their gift books and kids books.  Of course there was competition in the form of a number of well run book wholesalers in the UK, and in Ireland, but Lincoln knew of gift book wholesalers in other export markets offering a combo of products and service that simply was not all being delivered in the UK in the way it could or should be.


Do you have problem areas in your shop?   

Could you find some space for displays that would help you to better merchandise books? 

And in doing so, attract more customers, and sell more. Our displays would help you find a place for everything and keep everything in it's place. 

Our displays are free-on-loan and included in the price.

display solutions for book whole sale


Allsorted is unusual – perhaps even unique among book wholesalers – in that we choose not to run our own warehouse.  This is to focus as much energy as we can on the core areas of our business – buying and selling the right books and then matching them to the right customers.

We use a CONTRACT WAREHOUSE called JBH Associates, who are based in Gloucestershire.

So, all this gives Allsorted flexibility, as we grow and expand, to take on new business without worrying that our warehouse will be too small.  (Or conversely, without the financial risk of taking on a big warehouse that is too big for purpose, only then to become a financial millstone.)  And on a day-to-day basis, we are better prepared to cope with the natural ebbs-and-flows of orders, so when we get a surprise wave of unexpected orders we are better placed to cope with this surge in demand.


REGISTER ONLINE TO GET LOG IN DETAILS you can then look at our full catalogue with no commitment to ordering.

READY TO ORDER ONLINE If and when you are ready to order online, then you need to have first registered. You will also of course need to fill in online a simple standard set of questions, and agree to our straightforward Terms & Conditions.  We do go through a simple credit checking process which takes a short while, if you want to speed this all up, you can choose to pre-pay by credit card.   

AN INTRODUCTORY MEETING?  Is there a good ‘fit’ between what you need, and Allsorted? Would you like to fix a short Introductory Meeting with one of our sales reps or sales managers?    

Would you like to find out more about:

  • How we do books differently? 
  • How could you increase your sales?
  • How could you save some valuable time?
  • How could you take some risk out of book buying?
  • How might you get some fixturing included in the price?

Then please email or phone our customer relations team and we will arrange this with you and for you.

allsorted sales executive


Please call our CUSTOMER RELATIONS TEAM on 01923 936801 Or email

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